Returning to Brighton after an absence always makes me see the city in a new light. I feel lucky to be based in such a lively, colourful and cool city. Walking through the North Laine with its coffee shops, veggie cafes, specialist stores and buskers is always fun and I’m looking forward to spending some time re-acquainting myself with everything that Brighton has to offer. I can’t believe how many new restaurants have opened while I have been away!

In our first month, we have three housesits lined up. The first is in an amazing contemporary house on a hill with a swimming pool, steam room and views of the sea. The second is an Edwardian house near a park, which is full of art, sculptures and has an English country garden. Finally, we will be staying near the city centre in another lovely house looking after a cute cat.
I am looking forward to having time to re-group, do some writing, reflect on the last eight months in Mexico, Central America and India and plan for the next adventure. Here's to summer in Brighton!